My horoscope.... haha
Jump on a rare opportunity when it's being offered. Others around you are either losing interest or being distracted by recent events. It is up to you to help them find their focus. You are an investment that can turn a handsome profit as you mature.
See that? I wonder if I should show it to my boss?
He he he...
Love you all, but I'll probably pass out soon since I'm drowning at my desk... So don't expect to hear much from me.
Just wanted you to know....
Puss och kram!
"How lucky I am to be swedish!"
LIBRA - The Lame One
Nice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Have own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet! However, not the kind of person you want to mess with... you might end up crying... Libras can cause as much havoc as they can prevent. faithful friends to the end. Can hold a grudge for years. Libras are someone you want on your side. Usually great at sports and are extreme sports fanatics. Kinda dumb at times. 9 years of bad luck if you do not forward.
MUSIC at work, finally!!!
Well, the weekend... It was... a challange....
To Örebro...
By car...
With my parents...
I'll probably won't do that again... Next time I'll go by train or bus by myself, with no one else. And then I want to meet my other realtives, who I only seem to meet at funerals... I miss them terribly.
Yesterday I worked to six, I was SOOO tired. But I still went for a walk with Linda and her sister. When I finally came home that night I made some sandwiches and then went to bed. The darn kitten woke me up thousands of times wanting me to pet her, purring like a lunatic. When I woke up I was exhausted, and decided to come to work a half an hour later than yesterday. But I didn't get up until it was about 12 min until my buss would go. So I got up, put my clothes on, fed the cats and walked out through the door.
And now I'm here, soooo tired I can barely keep my head straight. Mattias wants the newest Guitar Hero game for his PS3, does he even know what that costs? With the guitars??! He didn't even like that game a few moths ago! I don't know what to do this christmas, can't it just go away?
Again my desk is covered with post-its and piles of paper I rather see disapearing down some drain, never coming back. Yesterday my boss asked me "for fun" if I would like to stay here for the next three years, to see how much I liked it here. Then I said that if that was the case, I rather see them hiring me.
BTW Congratulations to my best friend Ida who signed a contract with Manpower yesterday. I hope they'll give her many assignments, and that some of them will lead to a full time job!
Well have to get back to work now...
Puss och kram!
Hard days work...
Going to Örebro to visit some realtives this weekend. My parents and I, wow that was a long time ago... It will be an experience.
Well, I was thinking about working a bit on my lunch, so... I'll tell you more some other time.
Puss och kram!
Jag måste ju bara berätta det jag vet för min chef! Gaaahh! Varför är hon ute på kundbesök idag av alla dagar??!! Och jag vill ju inte skriva ett mail heller, eller borde jag det? Borde jag borde jag borde jag? VARFÖR HAR MAN INGEN BOK nu som man kan fördjupa sig i? Ska jag skriva ett mail? Ska jag ska jag ska jag? Vad ska jag skriva? hur ska jag skriva?
Det skulle vara så bra om hon kunde komma hit idag. Idag av alla dagar!
Nä nu sätter jag mig och skriver ett brev, jag struntar i om någon annan kan läsa det!
Helgen som försvann...
Fredag: Vad gjorde jag då? Städade, lagade mat och läste. Sen somnade jag medan Matte spelade guitar hero hemma hos Robin.
Lördag: Gick på dansuppvisning på Tumba-scenen medan polishelikoptern flög mot Salem. Fick skjuts hem eftersom bussarna var inställda på grund av motdemonstranterna. Städade lite till. När killarna åkte iväg på innebandy lånade jag Bamse och gick ut. Men jag gick inte upp till centrum förrän motdemonstranterna hade lungat ner sig. Och det tog ett tag. Såg hela tiden helikoptern, mötte flera AFA medlemmar och poliser. Sen när fackeltåget väl kom så gick jag upp till Linda och Sonny. När jag gick hem var det fortfarande lugnt och det var en tjej som spelade guitarr och sjöng nått på engelska. Men när en kille började sjunga på tyska gick jag hem. Det är inte värt att lyssna på sånt. Lämnade av Bamse, och gick hem och åt. När killarna kom umgicks jag med dem när de spelade guitarr-hero. Skit tråkigt men samtidigt kul. Makes no sense, right? Va fan gjorde jag mer? Ingenting kommer jag ihåg längre.
Söndag: Härlig sovmorgon, ända tills klockan ett. Sen upp, gjorde mig iordning och åkte till Södertälje och träffade Cat och Mirna. Fikade på Wayne's och handlade godis på Fantastico. Tittade på den nya "American-Pie" filmen hemma med Matte och somnade som en stock igen. Fan va tiden går fort.
Egentligen tänkte jag sätta mig här och spy ut galla över motdemonstranterna och nazisterna MEN JAG ORKAR INTE! Det händer en gång om året och folk pratar om det i flera veckor innan och några veckor efter. Det är redan nu ett uttjatat ämne. JAG ORKAR INTE vara så arg idag som jag var i helgen. Det gäller en jävla dag om året och alla verkar ändå ha glömt bort att "pojken" var 17 år när han var på "fel-plats-vid-fel-tillfälle", och hade han fått leva är det inte ens säkert att han hade velat vara nazist längre idag. Så det så. Jag tänker inte ens börja spekuler hur hans föräldrar och släkt mår av allt det här. För det första så VET JAG INTE det och för det andra ORKAR JAG INTE! Jag vill vara en struts och kunna stoppa huvudet i sanden när det kommer sånt här. USCH!
Freaky friday....
Whatever... I wan't to go to Thailand.... I want, I want, I want!
Warmer weather and more interesting things to see. Animals from the jungle in the middle of the town. Dogs and cats running around. Have you seen the TV show "Veterinärerna uppdrag Thailand". I was expecting more of it, but all they showed was the people talking about what they had done, not showing much. Eventhough I want to go there and HELP the dogs! I want I want I want!
At least we're going to the states this summer. With or without Robin. I so want to look for tickets right now, but there is no use doing that since we don't know when Mattias vacation starts next year. I want I want I want! Actually I found tickets for me and Mattias for 9880 back and forth.
How come you say back and forth ing english when you say "tur och retur" in swedish? And why dont you start with the "going there" word, intead of the "going back", in english?
Well, cleaned the appartment Iand done some laundry. Now I'm uploading some pictures on my dear kittens at FB. I'm thinking about what I'm going to wear at the "Christmas-dinner" with Mattias company the 21:st. And what I should pack down since we're going to stay at the hotell after the night. That will be fun!
The kittens are running around like mainiacs, one of them are horny, again. My plants and flowers outside are probably going to die this winter. Eventhough it's not that cold yet. Perhaps I'll have time to save them from the cold.
There was two or three accidents at the highway outside our window at work today. Alot of policecars and ambulances. And the traffic was horrible. So we took another way home.
Tomorrow Im going to Tumba and watch when Mattias cousin and her class is preforming. That'll be fun. But right now I think I should go to bed. Mattias wont be home for some time yet.
Puss och kram
Came to work a bit too early today, I was here at 0700, but no one else.... And at 0725 one colleague came and let me in. And now I'm sitting here waiting for another colleague to come and give me some assignments.... I hate when there is nothing I can do around here... I emptied the dishwasher when I came, and I've read the magasine...
By the way, yesterday I saw a Hunting and Fishing show on the TV and they talked about falconering (?). I was glued to the sceen. It's not easy to hunt with falcons or hawks, its an art that takes a long time to learn. I would love to learn that. In fact I'm going to look it up right now until Sol gets here...
Puss och kram!
I can't say it too many times....
I feel exhausted today, that might have something to do with me and Mattias staying up late watching "Eurotrip" until 23.15... And then we didn't fell asleep right away.... You know... But that was necessary with all the tensions we had this weekend, and every other weekend....
Linda, Sonny and Kevin came over saturday. Kevin is such a cute baby, I want him so badly. But not when he's screaming like a lunatic. He's so funny, my kittens (they will always be kittens to me) found him intresting but scary, and he crawled aroud chasing them and laughing all the time.
I'm so tired....
Puss och kram