This morning I lost the word for yellow in spanish...
This week has been hectic... I'm so looking forward to the weekend.
It won't be much time to relax though, but at least I'll try.
This wont be any long description of my life right now... I just don't feel like it. But I'll tell you some fun things.
When I was about to ride the bike back home I realised that my tyres were almost empty, so I went to the gasstation in Fittja. I had such problems filling the tyres with air that I had to ask the car-mechanics to help me. When I finally was on my way home it started to snow.... I thing it took me about the same time to get home as it took me to go to work... But I'm not sure...
When I came home I read the paper and turned on the TV. When Mattias came home, a few minutes after me, he had bought me 3 huge red roses with some "bidal veil" (I don't know if that is the correct name in english but it's called: Brudslöja in swedish.). So beautiful... You have no idea!
There was something more I was going to tell you but I forgott about it since I have received some calls since I began to write this... So you'll have to manage withouth that knowledge...
Puss och kram!
Så mycket har hänt nu de senaste dagarna...
Vi kan ju börja med fredagen - Pokerkväll:
Jag slutade tidigare eftersom vi skulle hem till Mattias farmor och farfar på middag. Det var jättegott och mysigt. Senare på kvällen spelade vi kort, nån slags "Internationell poker". Det var faktiskt ganska roligt, även fast jag inte gillar sånt. Jag kommer inte ihåg vad vi gjorde när vi kom hem därifrån men men, det var säkert mysigt.
Lördag - Mera kortspel:
Jag städade och höll på en bra stund. Men sen på kvällen åkte jag hem till Ida och Andreas. Jag och Alwa åkte samma buss. Vi spelade musik och kort, haha. Sen tittade vi på SAW IV. Den var verkligen jättesnurrig! Jag fick en jättefin klocka av Ida i julkapp. Hon har inte fått min än, men det beror på att den inte har kommit än. Jag tror att hon kommer bli superglad! Åkte hem med nattbussen ganska tidigt ändå, bara 01:55 eller nått sånt. Den stannar ju utanför dörren ca 20 min efter att man hoppat på så den är ju asskön. Man önskar rätt ofta att den skulle gå dagtid oxå, så hade det inte varit lika jobbigt att åka till Södertälje/Salem. Eller iallafall att det fanns en buss som gick som den fast bara till Tumba. Det är så trååååkigt att åka tåg!
Söndag - Tvättdag:
Försov mig lite, men killen efter mig var förstående och var helt ok med att jag torkade mina kläder medan han tvättade. Åkte och handlade på Maxi, jag tror fan att vi var där rekord länge. Eller om det bara kändes så. Men Mattias och jag bråkade inte en enda gång iallafall. Det var skönt. Och det även fast Robin var med. Vi handlade oxfilé till 5 pers, det är ganska mycket ska jag tala om om det är nån som inte vet det. Ha ha, det är ju inte direkt köttfärs! Iallafall, killarna satt och spelade och gjorde annat dumt på kvällen, och jag bara flöt med. När de kände att det var dags att titta på film gick jag och la mig.
Måndag - Återförening:
Upp ganska sent, Matte iväg med Robin till systemet och JoberMax. Jag städa upp det sista, vek tvätten och gjorde potatisgratängen och vitlöksmöret. Satt en stund och tittade på tv när Matte kom hem, vi dukade tillsammans och sen gjorde jag salladen. Robin, Fredrik och Elin kom. Killarna började grilla oxfilén. När sås och allt var klart åt vi. Men somvanligt glömde vi vitlöksbrödet...... Efter maten när de satt och spelade kom Jocke, och sen Andreas. Sen Danny och Ville. Det vart ganska fullt... hehe. Efter ett tag så gick vi hem till DeBe, smällare och raketer hela vägen. Där var det ganska dött, det var inte så många som hade kommit och vi satte oss och tittade på den där amerikanen med "Achmed the dead terrorist", SILENCE!! I KILL YOU! HAHAHAHAHHA och två andra dockor som jag inte kommer ihåg vad de heter. Den ena sitter på en pinne, och gör en himla stor grej av det. Och den andra kan inte läsa SANTA ANA, utan läser det som SA NA TA N A. Ha ha, de är jätte roliga.
Firade tolvslaget hemma hos Robins föräldrar. Det var jätte kul. Hans mamma och jag bestämde att jag ska hjälpa henne med hennes häst på söndagar, och kanske nån mer dag. Det ska bli jätteroligt. Sen ringde Stefan som vi inte har träffat på ett och ett halvt år. Och då gick vi och mötte honom. Det vart återförening som hette duga, Matte och han ville ju knappt släppa varandra, och jag fick min beskärda del av pussar och nyp i arslet. Fast hans norrländska är tråkig. Även om det är jättesexigt med norrlänningar så är ju inte Stefan född norrlänning, och det hörs.
Jag hade plannerat att stanna iallafall tills Rosen kom men när han inte kom klockan 2 som han sagt till Debe så hade jag inte så mycket val att gå när Matte ville. Dessutom var jag ganska trött själv så det var ok ändå.
Väl hemma så åt vi lite rester och tittade på tv, sen kröp vi ner i sägen och somnade rätt fort..
Tisdag - Jag har världens bästa pojkvän.
Som vanligt upp väldigt sent, det har blivit en vana. Det var ett under att jag kom upp idag. Plockade undan tillsammans, Matte började när jag stod i duschen. Eftersom vi inte fick tag i kärlekskranken Robin så lagade jag mat hemma. Inget McD med andra ord. Bakade kladdkaka oxå... Åkte upp till Krysset och köpte 5 st DVD filmer, varav en tydligen var en dokumentär, en annan hade vi sett och de andra tre var inte lika frestande att börja med som programmet "Vad blir det för mat?" Med han Moberg. Vi satt säkert i två och en halv, tre timmar i soffan brevid varandra, och tittade på när han lagade mat. Jätte mysigt. Åååå, jag längtar hem till min säng och min pojke!
Ja det blev ganska mycket text iallafall. Även om jag utelämnade en hel del, oxå med flit.
Nä, nu vill jag bara säga att jag älskar alla mina vänner, hur knasiga de än är! Och jag tycker att det är jättejobbigt att inte träffa alla lika mycket som jag vill.
We had so much fun eventhough I was forced to be photographed.
Then off to Bettan and ate some really good tasting food and cake. Talked a lot with Cissi, mostly about fashion, design and clothes. But also about spirits, and dogs. We decided that we shall have a dinner in a few weeks, and she'll see if I have some spirits in my home, and maybe, maybe, try to contact my granmother. But I don't know yet, I don't even know if I want her to. Or what I want to say. I told Cissi about the day she died, and how I suddenly started to cry when I heard a song. And she said that it probably was because my grandmother visited me first after she passed away. I don't know what to think about that, but if she did.... Aaw, I don't know what to say. Why did she do that? For what reason? Well all I know is that the day she died, was the worst day in my entire life. And no matter what happens in my life, nothing will be worse. Not even if I survive my own child. Not even that.
That is how much my grandmother means to me.
On sunday I had to work, and that wasn't something I liked. Though it wasn't hard, it was too easy... We didn't do anything! Booring. Watched Transformers when I came home. And had my "mother-in-laws" dog over since they and Mattias went to casino Cosmopol.
Well, have to go back to work.
Puss och kram
I'm not quite fully awake yet...
Yesterday was ok. It wasn't a PARTY i can tell you that. It was just what I needed, peace and calm people. Dad is leaving with aunt for in a couple of days, how in the world am I going to manage without him?
Grandpa is going to pay for my shoes, three pairs. Wow, I love him so much. Just have to buy them. I love shoes, you have to try really hard to get to fat for your size....
Well, have to work now.
Puss och kram
Strolling through the dark forrest in the night.
We took a walk, came up to a cottage in the middle of nowhere, surronded by fields and pastures.
We turned around and climbed the fence and went in to the pasture, passed some cows and old graves. We were walking on a gravefield from long ago.
Climbing the fence on the other side we had no idea that we were lost, we thought we knew where we were. When I saw a roe deer, I felt that we were going to far, and then we relised that we were halfway to Hallunda and Alby. That wasn't good. We tried to walk another way, that didn't work out, so we turned back and followed the road the other way. It turned the wrong way first, and there was sounds in the forrest around us. The darkness came faster and faster, then we reached a field, and saw the cows again. A lot closer this time.
We realised that if we wanted to get in to the pasture again we had to walk through the herd of cows. And that wasn't something that we were prepared to do. So we found ourselves with two choices, either the pasture with the souspicious looking cows or the muddy field beside it. Gladly we choose the field since it was getting dark and we rather wanted mudd on our shoes instead of cow-dung.
With wet feet, or soaked, we crossed the field, trying not to look out over it since there were big black shadows walking by the edge of the forest. We entered the garden with the closed cottage and started walking on the dark road leading to the civilization. It was getting darker and darker, soon we could hardly see the road we walked on. But we kept on going anyway.
Suddenly my cellphone rang, and we both jumped. Laughing I aswered and told Alwa that I would call her when I got home. And after 20 more minutes I was, by then I was so tired that I had a completely dreamless night. So I think that from now on, I'll do some exercise before I'll go to bed.
Puss och kram!
What happened to you?
He's been jumping into my mind a few times now. For no special reason, at least not what I can see.
I dont even remeber his name, was it Joakim, or was Andreas? Or was it even any of them?
Linus would know. If only I still knew him, Linus I mean.
I remember the first time I REALLY spoke to this guy, what ever his name was. We were on our way to Malmö, with a bus that the school had let. And I was sitting in the front with my cd-player. And he came walking down and stopped beside me. Since I had music in my ears I didn't hear what he said, but I said no, because I think he asked me if the seat was taken. And then I looked up and saw his dissapioned face and realised that he had asked me something else. I quickly turned the music off and said, "Come again?". And he said (again): Do you mind if I sit here? Stunned as I was I just nodded, and maybe I said "uhu"m or "sure" or what ever.
(If youre wondering why I'm writing all this down in detail it's because I realised that, if I don't even remeber his name today, what will I remember in a year?)
Well, I had the pleasure to sit beside this gorgeus guy all the way to Malmö. It took like an hour, but it was a joyful hour. I remeber now that he was new, I have no idea why he didn't begin with the rest of us. But I know that many of the girls heads turned when he passed. Well, what did I think of...?
Ehm.... yeah, the sad thing with memory is that most of it disapear when you don't think of it.
I know he was an AIK fan, just like me. I know that I came running/jumping (of joy) in the corridor one day, I was so happy because I was supposed to get home, for some reason. And he stood there talking to Fia, Carro or Malin, whom ever it was. And when he saw my happy face he.... looked at me and smiled, and those beautiful eyes said so much....
And another time, this memory I ALMOST want to forget, because I really made a fool out of my self... But if I hadn't done what I did, I probably hadn't gone home, and hadn't met Mattias or the Americans.... I have no idea why I did what I did, but I think I was scared. But you allways think "What if?" afterwards....
We were up in the common-room (attic), me, him and some others... Then for some reason we were about to go down to do something. And he called me back when the others were at the door..... I turned around and he said: "You are the smallest and sweetest AIK fan I have ever seen". GAAAAHHH? Should I really tell you this? But.... Aaawww... he was so sweet. And then I laughed and turned around to go..... and he put his arms around me from behind. "You are." Or something.... Did I dream this? Or did it really happend? I think I smiled and pulled away and when I turned around I saw that dissapoined face again. And then it's all black. what did we do next? I think we went down to the others... But that's the thing with memories, you only remenber the "important stuff" the things that made you feel something. God I miss him so.
I remember Linus was a good firend of his. And I also remeber this guy got into trouble some times. And then one time he was in such deep trouble that he was kicked out from school. I think he hit some one. He had a really bad temper, and the worst when he was drunk.... and we were only sixteen.... I remeber Linus telling me that he had a hard childhood. Something about foster parents... Shit I hate my bad memory...
What happened to you?

I have no idea what to write here today....
Yesterday I found a game online that I haven't played since... well forever... I remeber that we had it on a floppy-disk in our house, and by that you understand that it was ages ago. By then I only knew it as "Prince", but later I found out that it was called "Prince of Persia". The game I found yesterday, didn't look like the ORIGINAL, but it was much the same. I played it until lunch and then I got tired of it. When Ida called I told her about it, and we started to think about the game we played at her house in Nykvarn, New Mill. It was called The inheritance from Rosemond Hill, or something like that. And we decided that we wan't it so were going to buy it, and share it. Actually I had been thinking alot about that game before she called. But I wasn't up too looking for it before she mentioned it.
Had pizza yesterday, felt so good not have to cook. But had a really bad evening anyway. I cleaned the closet so now I can actually open the closet doors inside it. What made me clean it? Well the IKEA catalouge came yesterday, and I swear, it's better than a novel! I got so inspired to make our house clean and organized, but I didn't do too much since it actually is Mattias mess to clean up. And he shouldn't complain about it, since I only left him the livingroom. I clean the kitchen everyday after cooking dinner, the bedroom, I (do you say fold/ed?) the clothes in the closet and rearranged them better a week ago. And on sunday, I cleaned the hallway and the bathroom after our big fight, or during, or whatever you like to call it. But the house still looks like a crash site. And when I get home from work every day it looks messier than when I left it.
Wow, I didn't know what to write, but.... well you know.
ALEX!!!! I hadn't met or spoken to her since new years eve! And yesterday Mattias went to play soccer with his friends again and then I found out that he was going to play with Eddie, and he is Alex ex bf, so I made him get the number from him. So I got to speak to my lovely Alex yesterday, and apparanetly her cell and her wallet, passport and a lot more had been stolen in february, and that's why I couldn't get hold of her. But now I got her new number so now we can meet whenever we want...
Sometimes I'm so stupid!
Today I messed up two invoice registrations. Last week it happened once with four. But Annika finally showed me how to make the registration easier for me. THANK YOU!
And now I remembered that I FORGOT the phone number I was supposed to call yesterday and today, at home this morning... No rime or reason!
At least I didn't trigger the alarm today...
The Cleaning guy really made a mess of his cleaning. He didn't clean my floor properly, and now the floor smells like vomit.... Fun guy. That reminds me that our appartment needs to be cleaned. But my lovely little bf that has vacation isn't going to do it... So I guess I have to do it when I get home today... *sigh*
I have so much to tell you about the last few days, but I'm just not up to it. Really. Yesterday I wrote almost six pages on the book, and then mom told me that I had made one of the caracters completely wrong. And now everything feels useless. I'm glad that the doucuments are on the computer and not just on paper, because then I would probably burn them right now and tell her to write the whole book by her self instead.
Gaaah.... *yawn*
There is so much that I haven't been told about this job. And evidently I don't have buttons to all that work here either...
Have to unbutton these pants, they're to thight... And I have to sit here all day with them on me. Depending on if my salary is a bit higher this month I'll buy a new pair tomorrow.
Yesterday I was to tired to cook, so I had Mattias to buy us some pizza, SOOOOO GOOOD! And after dinner I fell asleep with the first Harry Potter book by my side. Almost finished it last night.
Mattias and Robin went for a swim in the lake in the night, I followed, but I didn't swim. Mattias foud a watch, again. But this one wasn't as nice as the otherone from last year. This one was a "Gul"-clock with footballs on it (soccer). And it had no hands left. I put it on the aluminum ladder if someone was going to recognize it.
Saturday, what did I do saturday? I was working at the "home" where I am a substitute carer. Loooong day, but good money!
Sautrday morning, Ida called and we decided to go for a swim. That day it really felt like I had a vacation. Relaxing, talking about everything and nothing at all. Really nice day. We said hello to this REALLY BIG horse in a enclosed pasture that we passed when we were on our way home. Beautiful horse, so big and completely white. An albino clearly.
Wow I wrote some eventhough I thought I wouldn't manage.
Puss och kram

Hanna on the board.

Hanna and Hampus

Sixten on the beach

Hanna and Hampus

Hanna and Hampus

Mattias on the board


Sandra and Sixten


Sixten and the message in a bottle we found

Sandra and Sixten


"Robin" on the rock

My love



Tony, Sixten and Sandra

My two loves

Hampus and Hanna


Sixten took a loooooooong break

Sixte on the beach again

Hanna covered in sand

The tatoo is made by Pelle at House of Pain in Södertälje

Sandra doesn't want to bee in the picture

What do you see?

La Familia

The view from the beach

JESUS walks on water
Sometimes I miss u so much...
Like last night, in bed.
I had my boyfriends arms around me,we held hands.
I just felt so loved, so cared for.
I was thinking about my plants,
how I want them to grow and so on.
After a while it was to warm for us, to lie as we did.
So we let go of eachother and he fell asleep.
Now I began to think about everything,
I remembered the panicattac I got when my aunt gave me the of you passing away.
My tears started to work their way down my face.
The shadow in my heart grew stronger and bigger.
I thougt of all our moments together and wondered if they were enough.
Did you know how much I loved you?
I remember your face, your calm eyes and your cute nose.
Everything that makes my other aunt cry since she think we look so much alike,
I just knows that I mis you so much sometimes.
Do you think of me up there?
Is that why I miss you? When you think of me?
I hope that you ennjoy discussing roses whit God,
cause that is what mom and I think you are doing there.
I love you granny.
How come it's soooo hard?
It was a scary night though, shadows became a stareing man, sounds became burgulars and rapists. I don't like to be home alone, not at night. As soon as all the cotton in my head and body disapears I'll write something deeper. But until then you just have to stick with this double Dutch.
I remember once in elementary school, I think it was in the first, second or third year. We were taking our regular walks in the woods, and then we came to this theatre stage, formed like the ones in ancient rome (amfi-theathre?), in the middle of the woods. At least that is how I remember it. The reason I brought it up is because I just wondered where we were. It was a fun place, and I'd like to go there someday.
Tonight is the Mötley Crue consert, and guess who's staying at home...? Perhaps me and Ida will do something fun together since she also is left behind by her bf. My sweater really stinks of smoke from the bbq this weekend. Annoying smell in an office, belive me.
I can also remember my first day as a trainee at Heron City in 5:th or 6:th grade. I was watching some of the camera men in the "Radio" reality tv show playing Hacky-Sack (or what ever it's called) and suddenly one of them missed the ball and it came flying right towards me. And instinctivly I kicked it back in the game. You should have seen their faces right before they remembered theirselves and continued. A few minutes after that someone dropped it on the ground and they all turned to me and showed how impressed they were... That was a great day.
Cacaocream with cardamom milk, well, what to say? Had to try it... Tastes really good actually........
Memories... got alot of them. Sometimes I laugh when I think of them, sometimes not. Whenever I see a growing plant, I think of granny. I miss her so. And whenever I eat a kiwi or vanillaicecream I think of my other granny, who is still alive but not present. I miss her too.
Yesterday when I came home after a day at work full of sneezes, I sat infront of my computor and looked up the TigerIsland. I'd love to go there some day, no, my misstake, I WILL go there some day. Everytime I see that commercial on Animal Planet I cry, seriously, I do. I so want to go there, and if I can't volonteer I would like to go there and enter the park for a week anyway. I would gladly pay 70 swedish crowns in entry-fee every day, just to see their Tigers. The thought of them makes me cry, and the tears are roling down my cheeks from happiness, nothing else. Mom would love to go there too, I know she would. I would probably cry my entire stay there, and to not offend the people there I would go around saying "Thank you" all the time. This is HOW Serious I am about this issue.
Enough about my week spot, the cotton in my head is now soaked with water and it feels like my head is going to break my neck. It's so heavy, I just want to lay down. We got a realxing room at this floor but I'm afraid that I would go to sleep in there and don't wake up until the next morning... My arms are sore, and heavy. Isn't there anything I can do to wake me up? I wonder if I will have the strenght to be nice and social today... Or ever again.
Yesterday I didn't eat any lunch, I didn't need it. Today I will need it. Soon, and even if friut at the office is supposed to be eaten it doesn't make my stomach stop crying. I miss my english speaking SO teacher in the eight or ninth grade, she was a lot of fun. The small one, not the tall one with pencils in her hair. I don\t remember any of their names. What has happend to my keyboard, I cant use the most common signs anymore...