Evil girl.
Back in the office, the floor smells like vomit, the cleaning guy should really think about changing the cleaning agent...
Well, took a looooong walk this morning, actullay, it could have been longer but I was to hungry and we didn't have anything at home. By the way: frozen rasberries are the best candy ever. (Mattias and I watched "Beck" yesterday, and since he had won a BIG Daim box at Skara Sommarland, we had quite a lot to eat, but it was too much sugar for me so I had my rasberries instead.)
On the metro this mornig, an evil girl sits down next to me with her bf. And suddenly she asks him if he want's to know how the last Harry Potter ends. And I was thinking: How can you be so stupid and tell someone that, on a train, when there is a lot of people around who might NOT want to hear that? I had another girl beside me that was reading a Terry Pratchet book, in english. And if I'm not misstaken, that is a simlar book like HP. And for what I know, that girl MIGHT not have read the HP book yet and didn't wish to know the end. And the sad thing with this evil girl was that she had no interest her self in the HP books, probably read one or none. But she cared enough to find out the end, and then tell it to anyone that didn't yet know it.
I'm so glad I allready finished the book, so she couldn't spoil the end for me. But she did ruin my morning though. I just wish that she could have talked about her football practice instead.
It finally sais DELIVERED on my order to CDON.com. And yesterday I got a mail from them telling me that I should have the package today, but if it was to big for my mail box, wich it is. I would get it tomorrow. Gaaahhh, I can't wait that long. I hope that the note is on my hallway-floor when I come home... (did you understan any of that? I didn't...)
Well, there is several more people in the office today, so the phone is ringing more than ever, since I came anyway.
This weekend I spoke to my dad about my future career, I want to work at a correctional institution, aka "prison". Dad works at a prison that has the saftey regulation "A+", or what ever you say. That's because there is only three prisons in the world (I think he said) that have electric fences around the high wall. Another of their extra precaution is that you have to be 23 to work there. And beacuse of that I thought about starting at an "open institution" close to my home, and then go to a bigger one, like the one dad works on. But we'll have to see how that works out.
I don't want to be a carer all my life, and I don't want to work in the reception all my life either. So I was actually thinking about going back to school and study something that will enable me to climb the ladder in a prison. (I can't find the correct english word for the post I want). So you have to guess... haha
I wan't to work with people that can change, and grow, go forward into the life. And not backwards, like I do now.
puss och kram