I have no idea what to write here today....

Eventhough I was really disappointed this morning I got out of bed and actually mamaged to take the bus to the Salem centre to buy me some breakfast. I really had no appetite at all, and I had to force my body to obey me. Just like right now.

Yesterday I found a game online that I haven't played since... well forever... I remeber that we had it on a floppy-disk in our house, and by that you understand that it was ages ago. By then I only knew it as "Prince", but later I found out that it was called "Prince of Persia". The game I found yesterday, didn't look like the ORIGINAL, but it was much the same. I played it until lunch and then I got tired of it. When Ida called I told her about it, and we started to think about the game we played at her house in Nykvarn, New Mill. It was called The inheritance from Rosemond Hill, or something like that. And we decided that we wan't it so were going to buy it, and share it. Actually I had been thinking alot about that game before she called. But I wasn't up too looking for it before she mentioned it. 

Had pizza yesterday, felt so good not have to cook. But had a really bad evening anyway. I cleaned the closet so now I can actually open the closet doors inside it. What made me clean it? Well the IKEA catalouge came yesterday, and I swear, it's better than a novel! I got so inspired to make our house clean and organized, but I didn't do too much since it actually is Mattias mess to clean up. And he shouldn't complain about it, since I only left him the livingroom. I clean the kitchen everyday after cooking dinner, the bedroom, I  (do you say fold/ed?) the clothes in the closet and rearranged them better a week ago. And on sunday, I cleaned the hallway and the bathroom after our big fight, or during, or whatever you like to call it. But the house still looks like a crash site. And when I get home from work every day it looks messier than when I left it.

Wow, I didn't know what to write, but.... well you know.

ALEX!!!! I hadn't met or spoken to her since new years eve! And yesterday Mattias went to play soccer with his friends again and then I found out that he was going to play with Eddie, and he is Alex ex bf, so I made him get the number from him. So I got to speak to my lovely Alex yesterday, and apparanetly her cell and her wallet, passport and a lot more had been stolen in february, and that's why I couldn't get hold of her. But now I got her new number so now we can meet whenever we want...



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