This HUGE grasshopper in my room....
If Mattias had been there, I wouldn't have been so scared. A the end I was mostly furious though. I was reading my lovely book when I heard a throb (?) and then a flicker down to my feet.
I suddenly remembered that night not long ago when we had this BIG "butterflyish-thing" in our bedroom, luckily Mattias was there to chase it out, but not before it had crawled under the bed and wandered around for a long time.
But this didn't feel anything like that, and, I was alone. Mattias had just called to say goodnight, and anyway I couldn't call him for this, what ever it was.
When I finally felt brave enough to look down at the footend of my bed I saw this HUGE really bright green grasshopper. I flew out of bed and realised that if i wanted to sleep om the couch tonight I had to pass that thing by the door anyway. So I took a towel, I'm not very bright when I'm scared I know, and tried to kill it. I had managed to kill a couple of earwigs earlier thatday, but I guess that this grasshopper was a bit toooooo bog for that weapon. Well then he hit the floor and I threw the towel over him (I just assume that it is a he by the way), and pushed it out form the bedroom. Sadly he didn't follow with the towel, so I quickly had to take a t-shirt and swoop him out before he had a chance to crawl in under my bed. Then I closed the door and turend the lights of so that he wouldn't find his way back in. And as a extra precaution I threw the other quilt to the floor by the door so that he wouldn't be able to squeeze in at all. I guess I'm a bit foolish, but bugs really freak me out!
The morning came and I rushed out of the appartment as soon as I could, didn't see that awful creature and hoped that he was dead. When I came in to the office there was something hopping around the floor at my feet, firt I thought it was a rat, then I saw that it was a small bird. In swedish we call it a "Sädessärla" I think, but I couldn't find the english word for it... I chased it into the kitchen and then got hold of it with a towel after a few minutes race around the diningtables... I released it out on the sun-deck (?) we have and it hopped away. Clearly the bird couldn't fly, but I haven't seen it since then.
And, when I came home, the darn Grasshopper was still alive and sat on my armchair. Luckily he was sitting on a blanket so i just lifted it out the back door. Disgusting creature!
Well no animals at work today, and Mattias is home so there won't be as scary if something decides to visit.
Now I'll go back to work and to my book... haha
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