This week
Thursday night.
Cleaned the entire apartment, did some laundry, watched some TV and then I went to bed at 00.27. Set my alarm clock at 02.15. But snoozed until 02.42. Oooops. We left the apartment at 03.00. Came to dad around 03.12 and continued our trip to Gothemburg at 03.15.
Friday morning.
First stop at a gas station some km after Örebro. Mattias ate a sausage whit shrimpsallad(?) At 05.00 in the morning. Continued on, next and final stop for me and dad was Trollhättan and there we had some breakfast together before the buss arrived. Mattias continued on his own to Hamburgsund. And we got on the bus and went to Älvängen, and from there to Alafors.
Well that was the trip for the day, at least I thought it was over. But then we had to go to the store, and the "Expert-shop". Because my aunt and her husband think that it is time for them to have a laptop computer and a Vista program. They have had a computer once before, but they don't know anything about computers. So dad had to help them.
And while they were there and did that my cousin Sandra and I went to the largest IKEA in Sweden and I bought a (rivjärn)? Ha ha necessary, or not.
We had my other cousin and her two children here for dinner, and those two... Oh dear, I've said this to Mattias a lot of times: ONE CHILD, no more! And he agrees fully whit me since he had some bad days with his cousins. And if someone buys a toy that has any kind of sound at all to my child, that person will have to take it back and replace it with either a soft teddy (non-speaking) or a donation to my child's account. Because there will be no sound making toys in my home. Or, I'll accept the gift and give it to one of the grandparents. hahaha
Kind of an early morning, took a shower, then rushed downtown to catch the bus. After some busriding and a (spårvagn) we came to a marketplace, filled with muslims. We then found out that they had a conference there so that market was closed. But there was three more too go to near by. So we had a lot to do. I didn't buy anything though, exept for some fruit on the way home.
O lord did I eat much that day. But I did some biking too, so it wasn't all too bad. We rented a movie, The Grimm Brothers or whatever it's called, it was a bit weird but nice. I've been sleeping so good this two nights at my cousins house.
Woke up at 08.40 stayed in bed until 09.00. We had some breakfast and then called Helena so that she could hand over the car so that we could go to the coast and do some crab-fishing. And after a few fights and trips, we were finally on our way there. The weather wasn't good at all and I was glad that Helena had lent me her rain-clothes. I was soaked after an hour!
We tried for at least an hour and a half until we finally spotted the first crab, and after some trying we had him in the bucket. It then took about 20 minutes until we saw a really big one, but he was way too big and too smart for us. After 10 more minutes I got one slightly bigger than the first one, then one more two minutes after that. So now I know what kind of hiding places they like and that they like snails, and that they don't mind the (klänypor) at all.
Finally we gave up, and released the three guys into the water again and went home. We went to the store for some ingredients to the dinner, a taco pie. And on the way home, just 100 m from the parking lot, Sandra accidentally hit the sidewalk whit the back-wheel and we got a flat tyre. We changed it with the one she had in the trunk, though it looked like a wheel that you have on a scooter or something, it was really small, thin and ugly. And the maximum speed for it was 50 mph or 80 km/h. But at least it took us home and then to her parents house.
She didn't do more than drop me of and talked a bit, then her dad gave her a ride home. But today was her last day on her vacation so I understand her if she wants to go home and sleep early since she'll have to work tomorrow. Helena wanted me to come over to her but I said no, since I have to get up early and make my self ready until Mattias and the others will come to pick me up. We're going to Marstrand and look at the ruin there.
I guess I have to go to bed soon, I'll just finish my "Hart-game".
Puss och kram