My kittens
Down to the underground...
There will be a lot of trips to crazy town this week. First to leave a blanket and a claw-board with the kittens, and to cuddle of course. Then on wednesday, to get my money back from mom. Then on friday, to bring the kittens home. And some of these day's I'll have to meet up with some friends to, for various reasons.
I'm starving! And it's not even close to lunch yet! GAhh....
Puss och kram
Make some noise...
Had this horrible nightmare last night, again.
But before that one I woke up and thought that we allready had brought the kittens home, and that they didn't look the way they should. But I coudn't find them, eventhough I lifted my covering and everything. And suddenly I felt this chill down my spine, what if they had gone out through the window while I was asleep? I EVEN CLOSED THE WINDOW! Then I thought: "Well, I have to look for them in the morning". And when I laid down again my mind cleared and I remebered that we went to the cat-rescue center yesterday, and couldn't possibly have taken them with us yet.
The nightmare was even more frightening, I went to work as usual, but I forgott something at home, so I went back.
Then there was a girl in the sofa with Mattias, and she was so arrogant. And Mattias didn't even look regretfull. So then I screamed and yelled at him, went looking for one of the cats, since we apparenetly had them now, and packed my bags, still screaming like a lunatic. And for some reason, instead of hitting him with something harder, I hit him over and over again with a empty Cocacola bottle, a plastic one, really soft.
It seems that I can't hurt anyone in my dreams like I really want. One time I had this dream where I chased a rat/big mouse around in our old house and hit it with a dish brush. Haha my friend Cissi teased me about it for several months.
Perhaps it was my subconsciousness that told me that Mattias would never do that to me so therefore I couldn't hurt him. Anyway I woke up with a terrible stomach ache and it hurt for severla minutes. But then I realised that it had only been a dream and that Mattias was sleeping beside me.
Perhaps Mattias is right, maybe I should see the doctor for some sleeping pills. I don't know.... I really don't like the idea of relying on pills.... For anything... Not even pain.
She took our breath away and stole his heart...
The problem is that there are so many kittens for sale, and I can't decide...
I think I want to go by the Cat-rescue center tomorrow when Mattias gets home and look if they have some nice ones...
Well, see ya later.
The storm is getting closer.
The rain is pouring down, the lightning and thunders come closer, the first I heard was a really long and loud one. Cosy... I love it.... Want more!
It's lonely here though... Canal+ isn't helping much, and my brain is to cloged up to read.
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Eight kilometers...
Though I am going to exercise A LOT MORE before next year....
I was going to get up earlier this morning, and take my sticks and walk through Salem and take the bus at the end of my route. But, I DID walk eight kilometers yesterday, and I didn't think that I should push my body too much.
Well the eight kilometers yesterday was my "grand start", well se what happens next.
Since I don't have any orders to register I think I'm going to read a bit, or ask if there is anything else I can do...
Puss och kram
Well I just wanted to say that I did this perfect chokolate-cake today, in swedish it's called kladdkaka...
It's on my table now, waiting for Mattias to get home... Allready tasted it though, but still...
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Evil girl.
Back in the office, the floor smells like vomit, the cleaning guy should really think about changing the cleaning agent...
Well, took a looooong walk this morning, actullay, it could have been longer but I was to hungry and we didn't have anything at home. By the way: frozen rasberries are the best candy ever. (Mattias and I watched "Beck" yesterday, and since he had won a BIG Daim box at Skara Sommarland, we had quite a lot to eat, but it was too much sugar for me so I had my rasberries instead.)
On the metro this mornig, an evil girl sits down next to me with her bf. And suddenly she asks him if he want's to know how the last Harry Potter ends. And I was thinking: How can you be so stupid and tell someone that, on a train, when there is a lot of people around who might NOT want to hear that? I had another girl beside me that was reading a Terry Pratchet book, in english. And if I'm not misstaken, that is a simlar book like HP. And for what I know, that girl MIGHT not have read the HP book yet and didn't wish to know the end. And the sad thing with this evil girl was that she had no interest her self in the HP books, probably read one or none. But she cared enough to find out the end, and then tell it to anyone that didn't yet know it.
I'm so glad I allready finished the book, so she couldn't spoil the end for me. But she did ruin my morning though. I just wish that she could have talked about her football practice instead.
It finally sais DELIVERED on my order to And yesterday I got a mail from them telling me that I should have the package today, but if it was to big for my mail box, wich it is. I would get it tomorrow. Gaaahhh, I can't wait that long. I hope that the note is on my hallway-floor when I come home... (did you understan any of that? I didn't...)
Well, there is several more people in the office today, so the phone is ringing more than ever, since I came anyway.
This weekend I spoke to my dad about my future career, I want to work at a correctional institution, aka "prison". Dad works at a prison that has the saftey regulation "A+", or what ever you say. That's because there is only three prisons in the world (I think he said) that have electric fences around the high wall. Another of their extra precaution is that you have to be 23 to work there. And beacuse of that I thought about starting at an "open institution" close to my home, and then go to a bigger one, like the one dad works on. But we'll have to see how that works out.
I don't want to be a carer all my life, and I don't want to work in the reception all my life either. So I was actually thinking about going back to school and study something that will enable me to climb the ladder in a prison. (I can't find the correct english word for the post I want). So you have to guess... haha
I wan't to work with people that can change, and grow, go forward into the life. And not backwards, like I do now.
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Find Madeleine
Of course it was an invoice, it allways is. But one thing caught my eye. The stamp over the stamp didn't only tell the date and time the letter wa sent. It also said:
Find Madeleine
I've heard about this girl a long time ago, but I never heard what the outcome was. But now I know that she has been missing for 85 days. If she were my daughter, I would be broken-hearted. I can't imagine how they kepp on living, but surely Madeleines siblings are much help since they need to be cared for.
I just don't understand how any one can do that, take someone elses child and not return it when it has become this big. If she's still alive, I hope she'll return soon. And if not, I hope they get that bastard who did it! Then I might think of voting for a death penalty, if only I lived there and was able to vote.
With this I just wanted to say that there is a place in my heart for this little girl, and every other kidnapped child that I haven't heard of. And it will always be there no matter if she's found alive or not.
Hurry UP!
I'm obsessed with Harry Potter.... What to do?
I'll probably get the book today, and she'll borrow Eragon, and the Elder from me. Gaaaahhh! I can't wait!
Fruit lady didn't know whose the fruit was... Annoying for me since I didn' t know where to put it.. I actually cooked yesterday, eventhough I was so tired. But both Mattias and my stomaches screamed in agony... So I had to. But at least I saved some money since I got some left overs for lunch today.
Today I'll be a good citizen and donate some blood. And evidently it will take me aboute 40 min to get to Södertälje. It takes me more than that to get home from here, eventhough it's closer...
Well well.
And after being a good citizen I'll meet up with some friends and talk about life and everything else...
No sorry, I'm just not up to this today either...
Puss och kram
I'm a reader not I an author...
But I will finish this book, I have too. It means so much to me. It's the best memories I have from my mother.
And perhaps sometime in the future they will publish this one.
I began writing the first chapter today, I wrote about three pages maybe a bit more, it took me a few hours.
Sadly I have to write it in swedish, at least for now. And when it's finished I'll translate it.
Had a really tuff morning at work. I was the first there, and I didn't know, so I just walked in. The alarm went of and I had no idea what to do. Gaaah.. I'll tell you all about it later...
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Here I am
Earlier today I couldn't decide if you say I was or I were... My brain was like a spungebob, yellow, freaky and (sorry Jilly) stupid. I think it still is.
I know that I was supposed to walk home, at least the last bit, but Suzanne asked if I wanted a lift to Stuvsta, and since it rained a bit I said yes. I really like her, she's funny and nice.
Oh, sorry. It's time to go to bed now, Robin finally left (haha kidding, but seriously finally). So now it's time for me and Mattias to be cuddly. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
And the tree just happened to stand there....
Puss och kram
Die trying
Laundry today? Or was it tomorrow? Well well...
This weekends that follows will probably not be fun, since I'm going to work three weekends in a row. And the weekdays too. Thinking about walking home today, not all the way but the last bit so that I get some exercise. The phone has been almost quiet today, got a lot of mail though. And I accidently put some calls through to the wrong persons. Several times. Both yesterday and today. But I should tell you that it's not easy to learn everything about four companys at such short time, and especially when some of the information you got isn't correct. Then it's really hard.
Mom called a few hours ago, I hate when she does that. If you knew her you would understand. But I wont go public on my moms and my problems. I don't think there will ever be a book. Not if she keeps on behaving like this. She completely ruined my day. Everytime I stop reading she invades my brain. I so want the Harry Potter book right now! He cheers me up.
The guys (men) here at work talks about porn... Porn magazines, omg... They are so bored. But at least they have something to do. Ha ha ha really funny.
This night Mattias went to bed at 04.00. I had no idea where I was, or what time it was.. or anything. I just knew it was early, or late and that I wanted to fall asleep again. And so I did.
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Beautiful weather and good food.
Yesterday when the work day was over I got a ride home with one of the guys that works here. So instead of taking the subway at 16.19, I was allready home by then. And how glad I was for that, because it was so hot outside and Mattias and some friends were about to go swimming at a place called Sandviken. So we did, and after that we decided that all of us were going to have a barbecue at our place.
Daniel and his girlfriend Åsa brought some sallad and a grilled chicken so we made some chicken-salad, and I made some potato, and then we grilled sausages. So we had a real meal. Later on I took Bamse for a walk and I realised how small he is compared to Helenas American Bulldog... When I pulled the lead he followed so easy compared to Baloo.
And when I came back from the walk I was so tired that I returned the dog and went to bed. I wanted Mattias to wake me up when he was going to bed but he didn't. So I guess he got in bed quite late/early since the guys stayed and played some hockey-tournament.
And today I have to do some laundry. I was going to do it yesterday, but the swimming and the dinner kinda got in the way... haha
It has been a really slow morning. The mail was easy and quick since it wasn't more than 30 envelopes to open, and to register the invoices took me less than 20 min. So now I have almost nothing to do... Exept for answering the phone that hardly makes any noice and frank some invoices.
See ya later
Puss och kram
Three weeks without any electricity or running water...
It was raining on our way there, but the sun came out for a few hours. Went to Strömstad and had dinner and met up with the cousins cousin. The weather was great, and so the food, thought I would rather have eaten something that was well-known for that town, Strömstad... Went back home and took the dog for a long walk with Mattias little cousin Hanna, this became a standard thing that week. When the dog needed to go for a walk, it was me and Hanna that took care of this. And while we were walking I taught her some new english words. Because, stupid little me once promissed her that she and I would go to England over a weekend or a few days. And this she remebered and told me EVERY DAY! So I had to teach her some words.
But I'm glad I did because her teacher says something that sounds like "fodd" instead of food. And evidently no one in the class can understand her when she says something...
Well the week over there kind of "rained away", but atleast we went fishing mackerel, and the first day we caugt 18, and the day after that too. We went to Smögen and had some icecream, we went to Grebbestad, Tanum... We went to some fleamarkets, found a lot of useless things I didn't want... Or need. We visited a lot of places.
I bought two pairs of Blend jeans and a pair of Blend shoes for 400 swedish crowns at a shop called "Sport shoppen".
And during the evenings we playd a card game called "plump", I sucked. We had really nice weather one day, and then we took the boat to an island with a beach. But when I was about to take a picture of a crayfish inside a shell my camera told me that it couldn't use my memory card... It worked the day before. And I was so frustrated, I was about to cry when I called dad and he said that I could use the memory inside the camera. And though I couldn't take as many pictures that I wanted to, atleast I got some frome that beautiful day at sea.
I was supposed to go home by train at saturday, but Mattias wanted to go home to so he persuaded me to stay until sunday morning. And so we did, and the entire saturday it rained "cats and dogs".... haha But when we woke up sunday morning the sun was shining and it was really hot outside. But we went home anyway since I had to go to work on monday morning. On the way home we passed Örebro and decided to visit my grandmothers husband, he has been so lonely since she died over a year ago and I've missed him and his three cats. He's so lucky to have them cause they are such a good company to him.
Well now I'm back at work and here I'll be for four weeks on. It's hard when you're alone but I think I'll manage.
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This week
Thursday night.
Cleaned the entire apartment, did some laundry, watched some TV and then I went to bed at 00.27. Set my alarm clock at 02.15. But snoozed until 02.42. Oooops. We left the apartment at 03.00. Came to dad around 03.12 and continued our trip to Gothemburg at 03.15.
Friday morning.
First stop at a gas station some km after Örebro. Mattias ate a sausage whit shrimpsallad(?) At 05.00 in the morning. Continued on, next and final stop for me and dad was Trollhättan and there we had some breakfast together before the buss arrived. Mattias continued on his own to Hamburgsund. And we got on the bus and went to Älvängen, and from there to Alafors.
Well that was the trip for the day, at least I thought it was over. But then we had to go to the store, and the "Expert-shop". Because my aunt and her husband think that it is time for them to have a laptop computer and a Vista program. They have had a computer once before, but they don't know anything about computers. So dad had to help them.
And while they were there and did that my cousin Sandra and I went to the largest IKEA in Sweden and I bought a (rivjärn)? Ha ha necessary, or not.
We had my other cousin and her two children here for dinner, and those two... Oh dear, I've said this to Mattias a lot of times: ONE CHILD, no more! And he agrees fully whit me since he had some bad days with his cousins. And if someone buys a toy that has any kind of sound at all to my child, that person will have to take it back and replace it with either a soft teddy (non-speaking) or a donation to my child's account. Because there will be no sound making toys in my home. Or, I'll accept the gift and give it to one of the grandparents. hahaha
Kind of an early morning, took a shower, then rushed downtown to catch the bus. After some busriding and a (spårvagn) we came to a marketplace, filled with muslims. We then found out that they had a conference there so that market was closed. But there was three more too go to near by. So we had a lot to do. I didn't buy anything though, exept for some fruit on the way home.
O lord did I eat much that day. But I did some biking too, so it wasn't all too bad. We rented a movie, The Grimm Brothers or whatever it's called, it was a bit weird but nice. I've been sleeping so good this two nights at my cousins house.
Woke up at 08.40 stayed in bed until 09.00. We had some breakfast and then called Helena so that she could hand over the car so that we could go to the coast and do some crab-fishing. And after a few fights and trips, we were finally on our way there. The weather wasn't good at all and I was glad that Helena had lent me her rain-clothes. I was soaked after an hour!
We tried for at least an hour and a half until we finally spotted the first crab, and after some trying we had him in the bucket. It then took about 20 minutes until we saw a really big one, but he was way too big and too smart for us. After 10 more minutes I got one slightly bigger than the first one, then one more two minutes after that. So now I know what kind of hiding places they like and that they like snails, and that they don't mind the (klänypor) at all.
Finally we gave up, and released the three guys into the water again and went home. We went to the store for some ingredients to the dinner, a taco pie. And on the way home, just 100 m from the parking lot, Sandra accidentally hit the sidewalk whit the back-wheel and we got a flat tyre. We changed it with the one she had in the trunk, though it looked like a wheel that you have on a scooter or something, it was really small, thin and ugly. And the maximum speed for it was 50 mph or 80 km/h. But at least it took us home and then to her parents house.
She didn't do more than drop me of and talked a bit, then her dad gave her a ride home. But today was her last day on her vacation so I understand her if she wants to go home and sleep early since she'll have to work tomorrow. Helena wanted me to come over to her but I said no, since I have to get up early and make my self ready until Mattias and the others will come to pick me up. We're going to Marstrand and look at the ruin there.
I guess I have to go to bed soon, I'll just finish my "Hart-game".
Puss och kram
I'm so stupid...
This night I realised that I hadn't sent in my day report to Manpower the last week. And you have to do it before the 1:st each month. Today is the 3:d.....
This is our last working week, the next week I'll be in Gothemburg and Hamburgsund with Mattias. He's really worked up about it. I'm just glad. We've bought us a computer, a new tv and a new car (and the four wheeler), but non of that feels like growing up as much as a planned vacation together.
I've come pretty far in my list of things to do in life before age of 25:
(The order of this is not important, it may change. Perhaps we'll get married before we sell the appartment??)
*have sex
*say "I love you"
*get engaged
*get a job
*move in together
*buy furnitures
*have my own "house parties"
*buy a computer
*buy a flatcreen TV
*buy something unnecessary (four-wheeler)
*buy a new car, a combi for future children
*buy the apartment
*get pregnant
*have the baby
*sell the apartment
*buy a villa
*get married
*buy a puppy
*rescue a dog
*share a horse with someone
Well will go and sleep some since I don't think MP will call today either....
Last night i saw a Tiger.
So the tiger was named KINg BIG,
And it was a good name, he was/is the biggest, strongest male tiger in that big area. And he truly is the King Big..
(the tiger in the picture has nothing to do with the text)
Much, but at the same time... nothing...
-What have you done for this guy that you never have done to me?
-Bloddy bitch!
-Actually, Jack, we've got the Jewell..
-What? Where?
-Does Joe got the Jewell?
-No, actually. Joe is the Jewell...
Nostalgy in it's best form. I'm right now watching a movie that I haven't seen for a really long time and I just enjoy it SO MUCH! "The Jewel of the Nile". Danny DeVito is the best!
I know I haven't written anythig here for a long time, but I have been so busy doing nothing at all. Yeah, that's right, nothing at all. Maybe some shopping, cleaning and planting. But here I am. I had the weirdest dream tonight. And then I got a bit confused and was just about to go to work one hour to soon. But it all worked out.
Last night I had my best friend over for dinner, and then we watched this movie we rented, The Plague. It really SUCKED! Both me and my friend love really scary movies, but this one was a big disappointment for us. But then we ended up playing Burnout, and as usual, when it's the combination of me and car games we had our laughs. Ah, there's a lot of memories there... I think it ended in a tie.
This week I really cleaned up our verandah, and the rest of the apartment. Then Dad and I went shopping and bought some new curtains, they were on sale, and a new carpet for the livingroom.
What do I have more to tell you guys? Well, I finally got vacation. So the next weekend me, Mattias and dad is going to take our car down to Gothemburg.
I love the way this movie ends......
Well, tomorrow we will have some of Mattias relatives here, got the cake in the fridge. It looks really good...
Only look, not taste!
Love you guys!
En bild säger mer än tusen ord.
Iallafall, föregående inlägg visar en hel del sommriga bilder. Men även om en bild säger mer än tusen ord så kan jag ju inte påstå att kameran registrerade allt vi gjorde. De bästa stunderna blir oftast ett minne blott. Jag tror inte att jag har skrattat så mycket under en hel helg som jag gjorde den här helgen. Det var grymt kul, och alla som bangade missade verkligen något! Men det finns ju alltid nästa år... Och Jill sa att hon skulle definitivt tillbaka... Sen om det blir nästa år eller året efter det..... You never know....
Igår vart det en trevlig kväll, middag med Linda och Sonny, spya av Kevin... I love him anyway.... Sen en sen promenad hem. Lite mys i soffan, själv såklart, Matte är i västerås. Sen när jag precis hade stekt klart pannkakorna, ett konstigt ryck jag fick....så såg jag att min granne Helena med sin underbara vovve Balloo var utanför fönstret så jag plockade in henne på skvaller över pannkakor. Det blev rätt så sent, men jag kommer inte ens ihåg att jag somnade. Did probably fall asleep befor my head hit the pillow.
Nä, seriöst. Jag orkar inte med er mer nu... Ska kanske hoppa in i duschen och återuppta skvallret med Helena.. Kram kram!