The good days are the ones that count.

This weekend passed so quickly that I didn't had time to notice it. We did some necessary shopping on Saturday, food of course. Forgot some important things, but we'll buy that later.

Sunday I went to the stable to take care of Keyman, all by my self for the first time. Luckily there were some people that were going to the forest, so I tagged along with them. I don't like riding inside if the sun is out. We rode for over an hour and even though the sun was out the winds were ice-cold, and of course I forgot my scarf at home. When the ride was over and I had cleaned Keymans box and prepared his food-buckets I asked Malin when the next bus was supposed to come. And she said 16.15, and since it was 15.15 when I asked I had two hours of waiting... That was not so fun, but there were some fun people I could talk to and do some other things like sweep the floor and help others with their things. So I was ok.

At 16.45 Malins stepfather came and picked us up, so I came home a bit earlier.

Well at home I did everything I could do to get warm again, hot shower, two quilts... It took some time but after a while I could feel my feet again... haha

Ahhh... Movie tip of the day!

We watched a movie called "Going Greek". It was fun, and both me and Mattias laughed many times. It's about a American college, and their freshmen trying to get in to a very popular frat house, with all the usual challenges and competitions, like hell week and so on. But this movie is only fun for they who can stand puking, and other inappropriate body-fluids flying around... haha. But I have to say that "Going Greek" doesn't beat the latest American Pie movies, like "Band Camp", "Naked Mile" and "Beta House." Thos movies are REALLY good for you when you want to laugh.

If hadn't been so tired this morning, my cat would probably have been dead when I came home from work....

I snoozed one to many times this morning, and that was lucky for me and Julia since I woke up to the sound of a cat in real panic.

A few weeks ago she got stuck with her back paw in her ear so when I heard the scream I knew it was her again. I rushed out from the bedroom, and saw her rolling around in a circle on the floor. She had somehow managed to tie herself up in a string that was hanging from the "cat-tree". She just rolled around screaming and hissing on the floor, not able to get away from it. And when I tried to help her she clawed and bit me. So I ran to get the scissor to cut her loose. When I finally did get her free she flew in under the sofa and didn't come out when I called on her. After a while she came out, but she didn't want to come near me. I hope she'll be better when I get home after work.

The strings are gone now, for good.

Yesterday I came home at 2300. My colleagues and me went to Boulebar in Stockholm, and there we ate a dinner-buffé and played Boule. I finally got to meet the guys working out in the country, who I've only have spoken to over the telephone. They were cool, all of them and we had a lot of fun. My team didn't win a single game but because of that we each got a box of chocolate. Yummy!

When I came home Mattias was already asleep, but at least the bedroom door was open so I skipped the sofa and went to bed. And apparently that was ok with him... *smiling*

(Jilly, you are the sweetest "BUS" I ever known! I'm fine now, but thank you for beeing there for me. The fights we have in our realtionships only proves that we're human. And it's like he said: "It's good to clear the air sometimes." But, I feel sorry for him if he doesn't make up for what he did... or didn't do.... "PYTTIPANNA" =)

Why does things happend because you talk about them?

He said:

It's a good thing to clear the air sometimes....

No matter what I do I always end up doing something wrong. Always. Why is it like that?

Yesterday I asked Mattias to please help me with the dishes so that I could make us something to eat without having to prepare it on the kitchen floor. And all I wanted him to do was to put it into the dish washer. But no, he couldn't do that. So we had no dinner. I ate some sandwiches and he ate chips...

Fine I thought, it's his decision then. So I didn't care about it. But later he started to blame me for his hunger. Then I said that you have yourself to blame since you didn't help me with the dishes. I have no idea what we said to each other, but somehow I ended up so angry that I cleaned the dishes my self, then started to clean the rest of the apartment. I clean when I'm angry. And he went into the bedroom, slammed the door shut, locking the cats out. They looked a bit surprised by that.

I continued cleaning until 2300, then I took a shower and thought about if I should go to bed or if I was supposed to sleep on the couch since he locked me out from the bedroom... I decided to sleep on the sofa since I didn't know what else to do.

It seems that that wasn't the right thing to do. When I woke up this morning, I decided not to be angry with him since I had cleaned my anger away the night before. Apparently he had decided the opposite, so when I kindly asked him if he wanted me to make him some breakfast he answered that he didn't want me to do anything for him. It sounded final.

I didn't cry or anything, it just felt like he kicked me in the stomach a hundred times. Since I couldn't get back to sleep I decided to go to work early. So here I am now. Wondering if it would be such a good idea to go to Sthlm with my company to eat dinner and play Boule tonight. I'm not sure I want to anymore. Mattias and I have to talk, but I'm not sure he wants to talk to me.

Hard time, headache and bored..

She said: Can you please watch my desk while I'm going to the laidies-room?
Me: How? Why? Are you afraid something will disapear? Ha ha!
She: Well that would be great! Can you fix it?

When I began writing this note it was a sunny but cold day outside my office window, today some days later the weather is quite the opposite to that. I can hear the rain pouring down on my window, and I really don't want to look out at the grey landscape outside.

I had a purpose with this note, but it was lost on the way. You shouldn't write at the same time as you are working, because if you get hold up by something and don't write for a while it al goes away... And so it did today. All my thoughts... gone... And I'm not sure I want to write it all again.

Well: here we go, and a little bit further.

I asked Mattias to take out something that I could cook from the fridge, he choose minced meat. It was either, Spaghetti Bolognese, Lasagne or Moussaka... And since he didn't leave any note for me so I would know what he preferred, I made Moussaka. He wanted Lasagna...

We watched "Hitch", I love that movie. But something that is really unlike me is that when it was over I wanted more, I don't use to be like this, throwing myself over every "boy-meets-girl-falls-in-love-fight-get-back-together-again" movie I can find. It's so.... Girly... It's not me, usually... But I guess Hitch has a message, unlike "She's all that".

I've seen two movies recently with Sara Jessica Parker that was like this. But the second one was not so good since it didn't end up the way I wanted it... Ha ha... The first one was the best, but probably just because it was the guy who plays Dirk Pitt in "Sahara". He's so sexy, even though he looks so old...

Yesterday after work I went shopping, I bought me three sweaters, looks like short dresses, and a pair of shoes. I'm going to wear the shoes when we're going to Sthlm with the company on Thursday to eat and play "Boule". Though I'm not going to wear them when I'm playing Boule, that would be kind of hard I think. I wonder if it's ok with the company that you get a hangover the next day? Perhaps I shouldn't drink at all.. Sure I have fun with these people, but I don't KNOW them that much, yet...

I wish I could speak finish... Life would me so much more fun then...

Right now I'm over my ears in assignments... I'm so tired. A HUGE headache is about to show it self. Well, have to work again..

Puss och kram.

Så mycket har hänt nu de senaste dagarna...

... men jag kommer inte att komma ihåg att berätta allting för er så ni får nöja er med det jag kommer ihåg för stunden.

Vi kan ju börja med fredagen - Pokerkväll:
Jag slutade tidigare eftersom vi skulle hem till Mattias farmor och farfar på middag. Det var jättegott och mysigt. Senare på kvällen spelade vi kort, nån slags "Internationell poker". Det var faktiskt ganska roligt, även fast jag inte gillar sånt. Jag kommer inte ihåg vad vi gjorde när vi kom hem därifrån men men, det var säkert mysigt.

Lördag - Mera kortspel:
Jag städade och höll på en bra stund. Men sen på kvällen åkte jag hem till Ida och Andreas. Jag och Alwa åkte samma buss. Vi spelade musik och kort, haha. Sen tittade vi på SAW IV. Den var verkligen jättesnurrig! Jag fick en jättefin klocka av Ida i julkapp. Hon har inte fått min än, men det beror på att den inte har kommit än. Jag tror att hon kommer bli superglad! Åkte hem med nattbussen ganska tidigt ändå, bara 01:55 eller nått sånt. Den stannar ju utanför dörren ca 20 min efter att man hoppat på så den är ju asskön. Man önskar rätt ofta att den skulle gå dagtid oxå, så hade det inte varit lika jobbigt att åka till Södertälje/Salem. Eller iallafall att det fanns en buss som gick som den fast bara till Tumba. Det är så trååååkigt att åka tåg!

Söndag - Tvättdag:
Försov mig lite, men killen efter mig var förstående och var helt ok med att jag torkade mina kläder medan han tvättade. Åkte och handlade på Maxi, jag tror fan att vi var där rekord länge. Eller om det bara kändes så. Men Mattias och jag bråkade inte en enda gång iallafall. Det var skönt. Och det även fast Robin var med. Vi handlade oxfilé till 5 pers, det är ganska mycket ska jag tala om om det är nån som inte vet det. Ha ha, det är ju inte direkt köttfärs! Iallafall, killarna satt och spelade och gjorde annat dumt på kvällen, och jag bara flöt med. När de kände att det var dags att titta på film gick jag och la mig.

Måndag - Återförening:
Upp ganska sent, Matte iväg med Robin till systemet och JoberMax. Jag städa upp det sista, vek tvätten och gjorde potatisgratängen och vitlöksmöret. Satt en stund och tittade på tv när Matte kom hem, vi dukade tillsammans och sen gjorde jag salladen. Robin, Fredrik och Elin kom. Killarna började grilla oxfilén. När sås och allt var klart åt vi. Men somvanligt glömde vi vitlöksbrödet...... Efter maten när de satt och spelade kom Jocke, och sen Andreas. Sen Danny och Ville. Det vart ganska fullt... hehe. Efter ett tag så gick vi hem till DeBe, smällare och raketer hela vägen. Där var det ganska dött, det var inte så många som hade kommit och vi satte oss och tittade på den där amerikanen med "Achmed the dead terrorist", SILENCE!! I KILL YOU! HAHAHAHAHHA och två andra dockor som jag inte kommer ihåg vad de heter. Den ena sitter på en pinne, och gör en himla stor grej av det. Och den andra kan inte läsa SANTA ANA, utan läser det som SA NA TA N A. Ha ha, de är jätte roliga.

Firade tolvslaget hemma hos Robins föräldrar. Det var jätte kul. Hans mamma och jag bestämde att jag ska hjälpa henne med hennes häst på söndagar, och kanske nån mer dag. Det ska bli jätteroligt. Sen ringde Stefan som vi inte har träffat på ett och ett halvt år. Och då gick vi och mötte honom. Det vart återförening som hette duga, Matte och han ville ju knappt släppa varandra, och jag fick min beskärda del av pussar och nyp i arslet. Fast hans norrländska är tråkig. Även om det är jättesexigt med norrlänningar så är ju inte Stefan född norrlänning, och det hörs. 
Jag hade plannerat att stanna iallafall tills Rosen kom men när han inte kom klockan 2 som han sagt till Debe så hade jag inte så mycket val att gå när Matte ville. Dessutom var jag ganska trött själv så det var ok ändå.
Väl hemma så åt vi lite rester och tittade på tv, sen kröp vi ner i sägen och somnade rätt fort..

Tisdag - Jag har världens bästa pojkvän.
Som vanligt upp väldigt sent, det har blivit en vana. Det var ett under att jag kom upp idag. Plockade undan tillsammans, Matte började när jag stod i duschen. Eftersom vi inte fick tag i kärlekskranken Robin så lagade jag mat hemma. Inget McD med andra ord. Bakade kladdkaka oxå... Åkte upp till Krysset och köpte 5 st DVD filmer, varav en tydligen var en dokumentär, en annan hade vi sett och de andra tre var inte lika frestande att börja med som programmet "Vad blir det för mat?" Med han Moberg. Vi satt säkert i två och en halv, tre timmar i soffan brevid varandra, och tittade på när han lagade mat. Jätte mysigt. Åååå, jag längtar hem till min säng och min pojke!

Ja det blev ganska mycket text iallafall. Även om jag utelämnade en hel del, oxå med flit. 

Nä, nu vill jag bara säga att jag älskar alla mina vänner, hur knasiga de än är! Och jag tycker att det är jättejobbigt att inte träffa alla lika mycket som jag vill.


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